

2009/11/16 (EN)

English language editing: Martin Shough
Papers, articles and research reports by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, just published or reedited.
This special edition of the FOTOCAT Project’s Blog is to announce the publication of SPHERES IN AIRBORNE UAP IMAGERY, a 56-page report authored by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos and Martin Shough. This is FOTOCAT Report #5.
The paper is available at: http://www.webcitation.org/6mx5Youbh

April 2004, photograph taken in a flight from Belize to San Pedro Sula (Honduras).
© Mónica Monje. Credit: Eduardo Mendoza.
As part of an ongoing NARCAP project to publish a collective scientific report devoted to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena described as sphere-shaped, we were kindly invited by NARCAP’S director Dr. Richard F. Haines to produce an analysis of several such cases extracted from FOTOCAT database.
A summary of the report in English, Spanish and French follows.
Objects or lights of possibly spherical appearance photographed and filmed from aircraft in the air have been sought from a massive databank on UAP reports recorded on film. Only 7 events have been considered for examination and these have been analyzed to the limit of the available information. The average level of information remains low, in spite of the authors’ attempts to improve it, but 4 events allow reasonable mundane explanations. The remaining 3 are hardly evaluable and lack strangeness. In general, all images are highly ambiguous. The authors recommend that steps need to be taken to increase the professionalism of UAP inquiry.
Objetos o luces de posible apariencia esférica, fotografiados o filmados desde aeronaves, se han buscado en el mayor banco de datos de informes de Fenómenos Aéreos No Identificados registrados en película. Sólo se han seleccionado 7 sucesos para su estudio y éstos se han analizado hasta el límite de la información disponible. El nivel medio de documentación permanece bajo, a pesar de los esfuerzos de los autores por mejorarlo, pero 4 casos muestran razonables explicaciones triviales. Los 3 restantes apenas son evaluables y carecen de extrañeza. En términos generales, todas las imágenes consideradas son altamente ambiguas. Los autores recomiendan que se tomen pasos para aumentar la profesionalidad de la investigación sobre estos fenómenos.
Les objets ou lumières apparemment sphériques photographiés ou filmés d'un aéronef en vol ont été recherchés dans une importante banque de données concernant les rapports de Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non identifiés (PAN) photographiés ou filmés. Seulement 7 événements ont été retenus pour examen et ont été analysés en tenant compte de toute l'information disponible. Le niveau moyen d'information demeure bas, en dépit des efforts des auteurs pour l'améliorer, mais 4 événements admettent des explications banales raisonnables. Les 3 cas restant sont difficilement évaluables et manquent d'étrangeté. De façon générale, toutes les images sont très ambigues. Les auteurs recommandent que des mesures soient prises pour augmenter le professionnalisme de l'investigation des PAN.
Your volunteer collaboration with the FOTOCAT Project is requested. Please write to: ballesterolmos@yahoo.es
We will happily supply with state, regional, provincial or national catalogues to any active researcher for checking and expanding purposes.
If you are willing to donate photographic materials, case files or literature to be preserved for posterity, feel free to use the following postal address:
Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos
Apartado de Correos 12140
46080 Valencia